The State Flower of the United States – The Rose
Delicate blossoms and a rich fragrance denote the state flower of the United States. Designated in 1986, the rose has become the national flower in the US, and a rose by any other name would certainly not smell as sweet. It’s difficult to say what makes the rose such a perfect symbol of the world’s melting pot, but the open face of the blossom combined with it’s perfect beauty is surely welcoming, just as the US welcomes travelers the world over.
The American Rose
The rose is a glorious mixture of color, fragrance and protection. All the flair and life of the rose is visible in its heady bloom, but the thorns of the stem protect the flower. It is hard to say which of the many roses would best represent the United States, and it is not especially noted officially which is best, but a tour through the Rose Garden, built around the same time period, makes is clear just how poignant the rose is in the American image.
The Rose Garden has become a staple at the White House in the nation’s capital, and the prestigious garden is filled with blossoms from the fifty states. In fact, it may well be the sheer volume of roses in the garden that symbolizes this great nation. Regardless of it’s national status, the rose is endearingly popular as a floral delivery or in the garden. No flower seems to capture romance and love as beautifully as the rose, and it is for this reason rather than it’s national significance that so many roses are delivered by lovers every day.
Growing Roses
Of course, if you’d rather not wait for a gift of roses, you can easily grow your own. Growers have created sturdy rose stocks that bloom almost continually from the early days of summer through the last days of fall. You should plant roses in the early spring for the best results. Roses grow well in sunny areas that are well drained and require a bit of cultivation and watering.
Hi, cool post. I have been wondering about this topic,so thanks for writing.
My girls want to know why our Virginia state flower was left off your list… American Dogwood!
Robin, sorry about that, Virginia flower is in line and coming soon. 🙂
i need to know why the rose is the national flower of the united states for a school report?and who picked the flower as this