07 Mar

The National Flower of Holland: Tulips


Tulip Holland National Flower
The elegantly simple tulip is a natural find in Holland, the country that is most famous for growing the lovely flowers. This peaceful, prosperous nation is comfortable with agriculture growing some of the most beautiful tulips in the world. Windmills, green rolling hills and the bright nodding heads of the tulips are an easy sight throughout the country. It only makes sense that the tulip be named the national flower of Holland, or the Netherlands.

The State Flower of the Netherlands

The bright tulip has long been heralded as the bringer of spring. The stunning beauty of the tulip is admired around the world, but they are truly unique flowers. The tulip makes an exquisite cut flower. Unlike most flowers that begin to wither immediately, the tulips continue to grow in the vase – sometimes reaching up to five or six additional inches while you enjoy your floral delivery at home.

Tulips seem to have a personality of their own. Not only do they continue to grow, but the open face of the tulip will turn toward the sun. They are sensitive to temperature as well. When the sun is shining and the weather is warm, the tulip will open a bit more to seemingly gather warmth. When the weather cools and the sun drops, the tulips close again. Tulips have been a staple of the Netherlands floral trade, which has been extremely strong since the 1950s.

Growing Tulips

Tulip Holland National Flower
Tulips are very easy to grow, and especially forgiving of poor soil conditions. To grow tulips, you’ll plant them in the fall months before the ground grows hard. Plant the bulbs in patterns of color if you’d like, so long as you space them out about six inches. The bulbs should be planted twice as deep as the diameter of the bulb. The tulips will be one of your first flowers to bloom in the spring – a bright welcome to a new season.

One comment on “The National Flower of Holland: Tulips

  1. m.shams on said:


    aftter plant tulip bulp
    what about watering?
    thank you

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